Monday, March 24, 2008
As for the other side of my life, there have been ups and downs. Whose life isn’t that way right?!? It feels weird (in a good way) to be typing or doing work then suddenly I notice the ring on my finger. I smile every time that happens. Why? Coz his face will pop into my mind and the idea of being someone’s fiancée can be considered mind-bogging for me. Me who vowed never to meet anyone after my ex, me who swear to stay single for life and be an old lady with my friend *you know who you are ok!*…funny how certain events changes everything. With certain things that happened, when I’m alone at home (my parents’ place, of course)…I miss having him around; asking me to get him this and that.
Ahhhh….hectic day at work *pouts*
Friday, March 21, 2008
I do still feel sad and anger at times when suddenly a memory reappears in my mind but the past can't be changed; I would just need to look forward to the future. I pray it would be a happy and joyful one. I pray that the person changes for the better; as I believe that person can do good. Just don't prove me wrong again.
On a happy note, Hana my former college mate is pregnant. Yippeee for her.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yes, I maybe passionate about certain things…who wouldn’t be if they were to be in my position. I’m tired of this all. I just want to enjoy in this moment of happiness.
To the people who think that their actions and words can hurt me, yes you can annoy me but remember, for every evil action/words that comes from you….
Tuhan yang akan balas. Siapa yang aniaya siapa….fikirkan baik buruk diri sebelum buat orang.
I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be perfect….my flaws are what make me unique. Take it or leave it. I have my family, my fiancée and my life…..I don’t even have any bad intetntions towards you.
I’M HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
The engagement day is finally over.
It’s unbelievable that the day ended just like a dream. It was probably because at the beginning of the month, I had to do so much of prep work and endless arguments with the family and K just to get the day as special as it was.
Saturday was spent rushing around to get things finalized. K also had an interview; which I patiently accompanied him. It took plenty of patience to wait for someone who’s attending an interview. Came home quite late; had to finish the décor for the hantaran. Tidied my room; while thinking how much we’ve been through to get to this day.
The next day….finally……our engagement day! Woke up at 8am, K woke up at 7am…..didn’t realize he sent me a “good morning” sms. Probably to wake me up. Made the last minute attempt to clean my room, and did some house work. I was still in my pajamas when my uncles, aunts and cousins showed up.
I was such a nervous wreck. Got all dolled-up by 11.30am. His family and himself came around 12.20pm. I was sweating bullets by then; excited coz its finally happening. He had to stay outside; he can only come in after the ring is placed on my hand and after all the elders finished their discussion about our wedding details.
His grandma (mum’s side) placed the ring on my “sweet” finger. I was holding back tears at that precise moment; suddenly flashes of all the problems and of course happy moments popped into my mind. After bersalam with the female side of his family, I had to return back to my room…my aunt said it’s not nice for me to wander around the house. Whatever!
I only got to see him through the window of the room. He finally came in to bersalam with my family and for him to eat. I was starving by then. Took some pics with him, his family and so on. Then he left with his family. Was sad to see him leave; because I was so excited that I wanted to just hug him since we didn’t get much to talk that day.
After that, I had my lunch. Took more pics. Cleaned the house. Entertained the guests.
One very special day for me and him. I will keep your promise and I will make sure I keep my end of the promise.
Thanks to my cousin, Lin who did my make-up. Thanks to Azam and friend who froze the special moments with their cameras. Thanks to Nik who did my attire for the day. Thank for Zura who came to comfort me. Thanks to my family for everything. Thanks to his family for accepting me. Thanks to him for sharing his life with me.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A few more days to go before the big day. Scared, anxious, confused, excited, every single emotion roll into one. Lately, I've been getting more and more "secrets" out...scary how you think you know someone but the way that person acts is totally different when you are not around.
I've been advised not to go ahead with it by my friends and by his girl"friends". My mum knows the story here and there. K was the one who told her; however he managed to leave all the spicy details out. Just to need to start anew......