Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Finally, time to blog.

I've been sick for the past 2 weeks [AGAIN]. First it was the flu, next comes the allergies. Last Sunday, Doctor suggested that I should opt for an injection for the allergies; so I took his advice..two shots [on the butt, mind you!] The rashes were gone after two hours which was good coz the gang were coming over for a farewell dinner. Can't believe they're leaving tonight. Lee and Em will be taking their flight together while Tim is leaving with his mum due to certain family matters. I'm glad they were in KL for a long visit; we've took time to settle certain issues that cause our friendship to drift apart. Em still thinks I'm as crazy as ever but somehow Tim thinks I'm growing longer behaving like I used to. Thank god for that :)

Met up with Evonne yesterday. Miss the girls and Beng. Went to college to settle some stuff concerning the convocation. Then, had lunch with her in Midvalley. Talked alot and mostly, she did the shopping. I had to make sure that I didn't spend any money..even though, I was on the urge to spend. I'm sorry if I offended any of my friends by not spending time with them. The reason for I'm sick, busy with bro's wedding and the NEED to SAVE $$$$$$. Enuff said. Once in awhile, I don't mind hanging out but it depends with whom and where.

The house is still undergoing minor renovations. Thus, me being very busy cleaning the mess. Actually, dad did asked me to help I'm off to help *sigh*

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