Started from last week.
Stuck in massive traffic jam due to rain and school holidays. Everyone had to just balik kampung on that day, it seems.
The jam was really really bad. And I was so hungry!
Had a very busy day. Niece's birthday party, work, and of course hanging out with my K.
SundayWoke up. Hang out with K as usual. Went to [see pics below].
Went to Cyberjaya before that. Forgot to take pics there.
Work work work...end of the day, FUN!
Tamarind Springs - - Dinner with K
Ordered crabs, the curry, chicken and of course, rice.
As usual, we did something silly. Lost our umbrella when heavy winds hit during the storm. Don't even asked where the umbrella landed on. Probably landed on someone or something. Silly "S n K"
After dinner, we walked in the rain. Thank god, the place providing the umbrella.
His birthday gift. Hope u like it, sayang!
Went to work...sick but happy!