Sunday, March 20, 2005

I haven't in awhile now because firstly, I'm just plain lazy and second, I just don't have the time. I'm pretty stressed-out this past week due to assignments and my bloody period is still not here; not that I have anything to worry about but still. Since I'm still pmsing, I'm eating like a guy, my back hurts and I just get angry quickly...damnit!

Emily is still around. Been taking her for dinner almost every night. She's been very helpful in helping me with my assignments. I'm so blessed to have her as my friend. Nicki and Daniel were suppose to have lunch at my house today but they ditched me to watch F1. Speaking of which, I got pissed off today when my brother had 3 extra tickets to watch F1 at Sepang. But I couldn't go cos my cousins were coming over for lunch so I had to stay at home to help my mum..damnit. The tickets was for the grandstand seats. Even Elly [my brother's gf] didn't go since she had a wedding to attend to.

It was ok, I guess since I got to hang out with my cousins. I can't believe one of them is flying off to Brisbane in June. I'm going to miss him...he was always my favourite cousin.

The good news for this week is I'll be moving my blog to a new site soon. Updates on this issue later in the week.

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