Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I overslept this morning. My alarm was suppose to go off at 5.45am but it didn't due to my sleep-walking session during the night. I had sub-conciously switched off the ringer to my alarm. How silly is that.

Due to this mistake, I had to miss Mr B's class. By the time I woke up, he was already giving lecture. So I just decided to go for other classes instead. Reached WP around 9.45; lucky the girls saved a seat for me in class. Today's classes were pretty dull; I can't stand one of the classes so the girls and I just skipped the tutorial. Probably coz we didn't do his questions.

I'm getting really stressed out about the assignments. I really need to push up my grades. By the grades I got now, I'll probably getting a second lower or upper *pouts* Emily is having dinner downstairs right now; feeling gulity leaving her alone while I'm at college. She's leaving next Monday so I'll have to hang out with her soon.

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