Tuesday, August 2, 2005

I'm finally legal to do anything...yahooo.....

My birthday (28/7)
At 12am, Evonne was the first one to sms me [I was cleaning my room at the time]. Then, Em and Lee called from Aus. [we spoke for one hour] Their gift is being couriered to me..probably get it tomorrow or so. Slept around 3am after sending everyone "thank-u" smses for wishing on my b'day. Around 6am, someone called [I have no idea who]. Friends came into my room..surprised me with flowers [daisies]. I was in my pajamas and they only let me wear a jacket over it to go out coz they wanted to take me out for breakfast. I was barely awake when I was sipping my Iced Nescafe. After that, it was time to open up gifts. I got alot of hand-made stuff which I loved [thanks people] The one that I really cherished is from Tim. Thanks dearie. After breakfast, they took me home coz I made plans for lunch.

Met up with Evonne, Beng and Fiona for lunch. It was just Japanese food but it was the friends I was with that mattered the most. Beng got me something from Body Shop [Thank you so much]. We talked and talked then only realised that we were so noisy! Fiona had to work so we said our goodbyes. The three of us just walked around Midvalley..going to one shop to another. I saw a really nice-looking beg from Esprit...I might get it. Around 3 plus, we went home coz Beng had to take care of his granny. On the way home, Daniel called to meet up. We met somewhere in Shah Alam for a drink. Around 5.30pm, I had to leave to get ready for dinner with the family. Took my family for dinner [it was on me]. Aqif gave me a kiss and a hug [I had to asked for it] After dinner, went home, talked to several friends, ate my cake and slept off on the living room's floor. Overall, my birthday celebration was quiet but in a good way. I wanted it to be memorable and it was. Thanks to all my friends for everything. Some photos will be up later. I promise!!!!

Today 2/8
Mark is back from his trip. He got me something but I don't know what it is....damnit. I'm really bad at waiting! Tim is leaving on this Friday *pouts*
Things to do:
Meet up with Mark, Give Mel his gift, Meet up with him, See the tailor and MUST GO SHOPPING!!

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