Monday, October 24, 2005

Finally, I got some work done on my assignment. Its a 2500-words assignment on Japan. I've been reading for the past whole week about Japan and the current government. So, I can proudly say that I've learnt something this weekend *smiles*

Looking forward for Raya. Can't wait to get $ and some time off from studying!! This year would be my last year to collect duit raya *pouts* coz hopefully by next year, I'll be working and earning my own cash. The Cameron Highlands trip isn't happening coz the hotel we wanted is already fully booked. The good news is that since my granny's house in Penang will be packed with relatives for Raya, dad decided to stay in a hotel instead. I'm so happy since I don't have to share rooms with anyone like at granny's house.

Oh yeah, this morning..I got a prank call. The call went like this:
Me: Hello?
The caller: Can I speak to Ms. Shari...pls?
Me: Yes speaking.
T.C: I'm calling from college. I was wondering if u can come to college tomorrow for a talk.
Me: What talk would that be?
T.C: The talk would be on Safe Sex.
Me [still clueless]: Huh? I have classes tomorrow. What time is the talk?
T.C: Can u come? Can u call your friends, Fiona and Evonne also? [The caller was laughing at this point].

Me: Huh?
T.C: It's Fiona here...hehehhehe.

Yes I got dooped by my own friends, Evonne and Fiona!!

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