Monday, January 21, 2008

My weekend was interesting. Spent the Saturday with my K and Sunday was “Sha-is-a-housewife” day.

Woke up very early in the morning. Couldn’t sleep well due to the shoulder pain. Yes, I know I should get the shoulder checked but I hate doctors! Had my typical morning beverage of Nescafe. Had a “talk” with the parents.

Left home around 10.30am, headed to Jaya Jusco to get donuts for sayang’s family. Headed to Serendah. I was quite excited to see him and the folks because;

1) I miss him so much
2) I wanted to see my kain hantaran *his gifts to me on the engagement day* which was purchased by his mum/grandma at Sarawak
3) I just wanted to see my sayang

Had lunch at his place. Then off to Cineleisure for a movie. Also to find a top for this kain (sarung / sarong) that his mum bought for me. We decided to use that sarong for me to wear on the engagement day. So, we scoped out Uluwatu. Found a really nice kebaya to match it with.

K and I spent our day gawking at Nike shoes. Hehe, since being with me…he developed a very strong liking to the colour brown. Which I got from Evonne back then. Overall, I had a fantastic day with him.

Spent the day vacumning, ironing, washing, dusting, folding and you-name-it,i-did-it! See dear, I’m trying to be a good future wife.

Monday (Today)
Ankle/Leg hurts. Period is here. I feel like throwing up *thank god for period; confirmed I won't develop any bumps in a period of 9 months*

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