Monday, January 28, 2008

How stupid and immature can that girl be? I seriously don’t care what you say and do with your life. For me, you are just one HUGE MISTAKE that happened in his life. Get over it, girl! Why hang on to something that is just upsetting you! You make it sound like you have everything intact now like a new guy or whatever; but clearly by the way you write to me, you are just trying to get revenge.

Please, only a few people can hurt me. And you are definitely not one of them. So, save your energy that you use to type stupid messages to me; put it to better use. Insulting how I look doesn’t help while you looked like a haggard old lady. Enough said.

K had lunch at my house. I cooked two dishes; just for him. Then we headed to Shah Alam; with his brand new car. Yippee, my sayang can now drive me around. Met up with the nice lady who will be doing our hantarans. The price that she’s charging is quite reasonable. So, leaving everything up to her creativity.

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