Monday, October 9, 2006

My baju kebaya is ready. Just need to pick it up!! Smiling from ear to ear right now. Tomorrow is a public holiday for the state of Selangor. Happy...oh so happy!

Friday, October 6, 2006

Ever since I've started working, I come to love Fridays..coz it leads to the weekends. This weekend would probably be the same as always. Staying at home, cleaning my room (it's clean on the weekends, but come Monday, back to the state of messiness), chatting with the folks, and watching my tv shows whihc I missed over the weekdays. I don't really plan on going anywhere with anyone...somehow I just want to stay at home and be lazy.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Big boss still on leave. Which makes me slightly free to do whatever once my own work is done. Been doing nothing except returning phone calls and emailing clients. Why do they have to wait so long; just before the deadline so that they can just to utter the word "yes, please proceed". Work has been bearable this week.

So far, fasting has been ok..nothing much like hunger pain or sudden dizziness. Company is having our own buka puasa at a hotel next Wednesday. Can't wait for the buffet, yummy-licious. I also found a tailor to sew my baju kebaya..cost me only RM150 for the top. Worth every penny!

The only bad luck is that my car windscreen is idea how that happened. Dad will be oh-so-"happy"..there goes more of MY CASH down the drain. Sigh........