Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We were talking about certain people and stuff in the office. Suddenly the topic of blogs popped out. It seems that someone in the fashion department has been blogging “far-too-much” info or bimbo-ness about herself. Feeling intrigued, I visited her blog and to my judgment, it is full of the bimbo-ness factor. Weird, in real life, she is that bad and even in cyberspace, it shows. Enough said. Never write in detail about your work…especially if you work in an environment where everything is on a 3-months-ahead-pace.

Right now, I’m not really that busy. Somehow, it bores me. I think I’m used to being too busy and being too free is actually boring. Dealing with clients or the public is pretty annoying at times but it pushes me out of my comfort zone since I’m pretty closed off when it comes to approaching strangers. Looking forward for next week; going for a movie premiere. Seems that everyone is going. The movie should be entertaining from the looks of its trailer; and I can be blissfully happy since Jude Law is in the flick. Yes, I do find him cute…Em says it’s because he had a bad reputation when it comes to women. I don’t think so….well….secretly I do think so. *sigh*

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