Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I’m off to Penang later; for Hari Raya Haji. Its been awhile since I’ve been back to visit relatives, sight-seeing and of course, makan makan. K thinks I’m gaining weight; I think so myself. Trying to lose afew kilos before our engagement day. Keeping my fingers crossed that my dieting works this time.

Other than weight issues, everything seems ok. I still feel a slight mixture of anger and frustration over that other issue with him. A friend told me to keep a lookout for recurring issues while another told me to take things easy. I’m just taking things on a day to day basis. Sometimes, I get along fine…some days I get a bit suspicious. It is healthy to feel that way, I guess after going through that. Most of my friends are not aware of it; coz I don’t want them to get a bad idea of him. I don’t think anyone should judge someone based on ONE MISTAKE. I know I won’t want to be judged based on that rule. Anyhow, I’ve been feeling weird a couple of days. I need to resolve certain stuff with him and with myself.

Oh right, the stalker is back. How wonderful for my life right now…..sigh

1 comment:

tIcKLeMe said...

yay!! penang's a great place for a getaway! ;) have fun!

p/s: good luck about him too. ;)