Friday, September 25, 2009

Crying till your eyes pops out...

I spent last night pouring my eyes out. All my stress is gone now.

My strength/endurance meter is now refreshed. I know it was my “gatal” reason to be in that situation. I guess I was comfortable in a very familiar situation/person.
This time it was me who cut the ties. Why? Coz I know I’m better and stronger without “it”. My friends must be annoyed and sick to see me this way but I need to heal and let go on my own terms. So please bear with me.

I really miss my friends; I think of you guys all the time but my situation doesn’t allow me to go out often. My apologies for being ignorant.

Last words: thank you for the sorrows as it has made me stronger. Thank you for the tears that made me see clearer. Thank you for the happy moments as I realized it was me that made me happy. Cheers to that.


Izwat Othman said...

tq :)
have a gud day sha..
believe in gud fate.

Sha said...


yup, gud fate. but we need to do good to get the good fate.

well, just view problems as a test from HIM.