Monday, November 16, 2009

Go away..far far far

That's my best advice to that girl. I know I was all friendly before but I'm sick of having drama. As long as you have ties with Mr Khalil, I refuse to have any connections with you. Why?

Well, you don't like him (less than how I hate him, I guess) but yet, you take him in like your bosom buddy. I'm not a hypocrite or orang yang bermuka-muka...kalau aku dah tak suka, memang aku cut semua connections. Wait, bukan aku tidak suka...aku tidak RESPECT. Yes, aku dah tidak respect lelaki macam itu. Dulu maybe aku boleh berkawan dengan dia tapi setelah the crap and bullshit (which goes on till now...), I think better I leave him as a past memory....

Since you and him are so buddies now, biarlah aku dengan dunia aku, kawan-kawan aku, family aku. Mereka dah cukup untuk aku bernafas. Mereka banyak menolong aku and they know what bullshit/lies that the idiot is feeding you.

I don't care ok...Tuhan Lebih Mengetahui. So go ahead Mr Khalil...continue your drama and lies....I was there that day but only to see how dramatic you can be...and yes, a coward is a coward.

Enough said.

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