Monday, October 25, 2010

Feeling more at peace now. Its amazing how every time Idiot messes up my life; new and better opportunities comes my way. I don't find the troubles or problems that I'm facing now as a burden.

Just think it as me, one of the lucky people to have her faith tested over and over. I'm glad that I'm closer to Allah, to my family and my friends. I don't take them for granted anymore. That's the most I like about my life now.

Just think of it as a way to grow myself more. If I could go through those things in the past alone, I'm sure that with the support I'm getting now, it will be just another phase or hurdle for me to overcome.

I know that I was too quick to judge or make conclusions on the other person. For that, I'm sorry. I understood your situation but somehow, "darah muda" got in the way.

Overall, I'm smiling again as usual..and I think the smile will be there for awhile now..if not, permanent :)

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