Monday, September 5, 2011

Ramadhan was the month of forgiveness and forgetting :)

It also brought me closer to someone and God. Syukur for that.
One major setback was my salary wasn't able to be processed for the month of August. So I celebrated Raya without any $$$.

Boss did give me some pocket money; but it's only enough to pay some bills, my car loan, duit raya for my parents/nephews/nieces. Now I'm surviving with only RM400..which should or MUST last me until end of Sept.

So Sept, I'll be gaining double pay. Oh joy then...sadness now..

Nothing to be sad really; I'm managing well without extra $$$. Praise to God :D

As of work, today is my first day after 1 week of Raya Holidays. Lots of emails to reply, bookings to process and etc...

Overall, life is being very kind to me. Alhamdulliah...

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