Monday, October 3, 2005

KLCC..went there yesterday and today. Yesterday, movie [The Longest Yard] with Mark. Was really happy to see him; told him about this crush I'm having *blush* Did my best not to shop even though Isetan was on sale.

However, the lure of the sale overpowered my desire to save money. Planned to just sit at home and watch TV today. Around noon, sis and her hubby came home early from work. They took half day off. They decided to go shopping at KLCC since I told them about the sale y'day. I tried to convinced myself that I should stay at home instead of tagging along. But I couldn't resist plus there was nothing good on Astro anyway. Aqif was excited to go out finally. In the end, sis got pair of shoes and some stuff, her hubby bought jeans, Aqif...let's just say, that he got his wardrobe updated for Raya and toys to go along with it. I bought a handbag; which sis is trying to buy from way I'm selling it to her. So, I technically broke my vow of not shopping anymore this year! Who cares! The bag was dirt cheap even though it's a designer. Overall, I'm happy today.

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