Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Overslept today. Late for work...as usual.

The reason for blogging right now is to get something off my chest. The same thing that has happened in the past reappeared itself again today. And I feel really bad, sad and miserable. Friends and people who are special to me SHOULD know that I would never think or make decisions based on only one person's side. I'm usually a listener rather than a talker when it comes to problematic situations. So when someone who I loved the most says that I pick sides, it makes me rethink on certain issues like how well we clicked together, or how well we know each other. It instills doubt in my mind...

I don't think I do...well, I stopped picking sides a long time ago. For me, I rather look at the bigger picture rather than harp on a certain thing. I usually listen to all sides, keep my mouth shut, and only open my mouth when I really have something important to say or when I really need to be involve. But usually, I don't want to be involve..I know certain matters in someone's life is their business; private. Of course, I want to know about that stuff but to be directly involved in the situation is not my right. I just want to be there; to listen, talk, console and give a helping hand/kiss/hug when it truly counts.

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