Monday, May 16, 2005

Doing the research proposal right now. Considering how limited [I'm too lazy to find more] the literature on the company I'm focusing on, I don't think my research would be that good. Thank god, my dad isn't one of those parents who pressured their kids into getting ONLY A's for exams. Anyway, I'm surprised to know that the company is quite famous amongst researchers..found a couple of websites that actually featured the company. Sorry if I sound like an ignorant but this is the result of doing last-minute reading on the company.

Strangely enough, its been almost a month since I seen any of my best friends excluding the girls and Beng in college. I miss them all but I think since exams are near, they try not to bother me about going out. The funny thing is I'm comfortable staying at home during the weekends; that I don't feel bored. Friends would be surprised to learn this since I was always the one going out during weekends. But, people change and so have I. No longer am I the one eager to go clubbing or hanging out at those so-called trendy places. Signs of getting old as Shah would put it but who long as I'm happy and it's not hurting anyone.

Speaking of Shah, I had lunch with him and his family the other day. Yes, his girl was there too. The mum wanted to thank me for baking her a cake for Mother's Day. They took me out for lunch..the whole works. Oh yeah, for Mother's Day..I managed to bake cakes for my mum, Shah's mum, Daniel's mum and Tim's mum. Mum thought it was weird of me to bake cakes for others but the mums are so nice to me. I think mum was just being jealous hehehe...

Star Wars is opening soon...not too keen about those type of movies though. I'll probably skip it.

Finally stop raining.

Bad News: I haven't even started on my proposal. I beginning to hate assignments. I miss my friends. I can't wait to have classes tomorrow!

Good news: My sister is pregnant. Her best friend [my other cousin] is also pregnant. My nephew Aqif is in denial. He thinks no way a baby can fit in his mum's tummy. My brother is thinking of getting engaged end of the year. I got flowers from my cousin who's leaving for Queensland soon *pouts*

Oh yeah, a big congrats and hugs for that person who got promoted the other day. Yang, you know who you are *winks* hehehe....

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